28 Mei 2015
Precision Automatic Levels,Precision Flat water Level,Precision Block Level meter,strip level meter,
Inner glass bubble level is a curved
surface having a radius of curvature,when the level meter is inclined,the
bubbles rise to the level of the end of the movement apparatus,the larger the
radius of curvature of standard foam wall the higher the resolution, the
smaller the radius of curvature,to distinguish rate is lower,so the level
bubble radius of curvature determines the accuracy of the product.
harga yang ditawarkan dengan ukuran 100 mm
Informasi Penjual
- Nama:Viria Asiva
- Username:viria.asiva1
- Reputasi:
- Terdaftar :01-04-2015
- Status:
- Facebook:
- Telp:0216-XXXX-XXXX Lihat
- HP:0858-XXXX-XXXX Lihat
- Cek Penipu atau Bukan
- Alamat:mall mega glodok kemayoran lantai GF ( ground floor ) block A 10 no 1
- Kota:jakarta pusat
- Provinsi:DKI Jakarta
Tertarik Dengan Iklan Ini?
- Kunjungi Tips Belanja Aman
- Jangan tergiur harga murah, usahakan tidak melakukan transer langsung.
- Gunakan rekening bersama. Lebih baik kehilangan uang 5 atau 10.000 daripada tertipu.
Kata Kuncipression level
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