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The keyboard offers over 800 rhythm variations to complement almost any musical style. Additionally, intros, endings, and fill-in variations can give any piece a professional polish.
Aside from offering a palette of 1065 Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) preset sounds, the SX-KN6500 gives users ability to manipulate sounds with a Time Variant Filter and numerous other sound editing sound parameters. There's also a 16-track, 40,000-note sequencer.
The SX-KN6500 also offers the added versatility of manual sequence pads. With 114 patterns, users can take advantage of musical phrases and sound effects from a trumpet fanfare to a drum roll to applause complementing the musical performance. Customized patterns can be created and recorded.
Kami menjual berbagai jenis alat musik seperti: KEYBOARD,DIGITAL-PIANO,GITAR,DRUM,AMPLIFIER, dan SOUNDSYSTEM,dll.dari berbagai merk terkenal didunia dengan harga khusus .
Kini membeli alat musik semakin mudah dan cepat,tak perlu kena macet. biaya parkir dan bensin yang semakin mahal. Anda tinggal pilih produknya, kami yg atur pengirimannya,layanan antar bebas biaya.
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