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22 November 2012
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Mackie Onyx 24.4

  • Dipasang22 November 2012
  • Harga9.900.000
  • Kotabogor
  • KondisiBaru

info pmesanan hub.082 327 676 797

Raising the bar for live sound consoles. The Mackie Onyx 24.4 live sound mixing console upgrades the performance and functionality of the legendary Mackie SR24•4 while retaining its convenient 24-channel footprint. The greatly enhanced 24-channel Mackie Onyx analog mixer includes 100mm Panasonic faders, all new mic preamps, completely redesigned analog circuitry, Perkins EQ, and a built in assignable stereo compressor/limiter section - all at a price that won't break the bank. The Mackie Onyx 24.4's all-new mixer design for superior sound In developing the Mackie Onyx 24.4 mixing console, the design team of analog engineers used the highest-quality components available - from premium op-amps to IC chips costing exponentially more than those used in previous designs. All new summing bus circuitry was designed from the ground up to maximize headroom, and the entire signal chain was electronically balanced from input to output, offering big, full-range sound and lower noise than any mixer in its class. Most significantly, the analog mixing console features premium Onyx mic preamps, Perkins EQ circuitry, and THAT Corporation 4301 assignable stereo compressor/limiter chip, all custom tailored specifically for the Onyx 32.4 audio mixer. Boutique quality preamps Although Mackie's previous generation XDR mic preamps set new standards for both quality and performance, the next generation Onyx mic preamps offer even greater fidelity, headroom and transparency - as well as better radio frequency (RFI) rejection and wider dynamic range than ever before. With specs like 123dB total dynamic range, -129.5 dBm equivalent input noise, and 0.0007% total harmonic distortion, Onyx preamps can easily hold their own against boutique standalone preamps. Perkins EQ: "British" sound with greater filter control Mackie enlisted veteran audio engineer Cal Perkins to develop the EQ circuitry for the Mackie Onyx 24.4. Perkins EQ circuitry takes the classic Wein Bridge circuit topology used in British mixing desks of the '60s and '70s and gives it greater filter and phase shift control. The end result is a very effective and extremely musical 4-band EQ with sweepable low- and high-mids - perfect for the throes of live sound mixing. Assignable onboard stereo compressor/limiter section Sound engineers have long used master compressor/limiters to smooth out live sound mixes, maximizing the performance of any sound system. Mackie integrated a high quality master compressor/limiter chip from THAT Corporation into this 24-channel mixer. This assignable analog stereo compressor/limiter chip was designed and manufactured in the U.S. by veteran analog engineers, offering true RMS detection and auto make-up gain for extremely accurate and musical results. The Mackie Onyx 24.4 mixer features independent Threshold, Ratio and Fast/Slow Attack controls, and can be assigned post fader to the L/R main mix (for system limiting and protection) or pre-fader to Group 1/2 or 3/4 outputs (for grouped signal compression, like drums or background vocals). This reduces the hassle and expense of separate outboard processing. Master section If total control over signal routing, talk back/monitor mixing, and external effects processing is what you seek, then look no further - the Onyx 4-Bus Series Master section has everything you've come to expect from a Mackie mixing console, and more. The onboard 6 x 2 Matrix Mixer is the solution to the "not-enough monitor send" blues. Not only can you use the Aux Sends to generate up to 6 monitor mixes, but the Matrix Mixer can be used to generate 2 additional independent mixes—ideal for IEM (in-ear monitor) systems, cry rooms, green rooms or other zoned outputs. Visual monitoring of Solo, Main output and compression/limiting is expertly handled via 4, giant 12-segment LED ladders. Even the Sub Groups feature 4-segment LED's, so you know what signal levels are at glance. Mackie Onyx 24.4 Premium 24-Channel Analog Live Sound Mixing Console Features: * 24-channel/4-bus premium analog mixer designed for live sound Onyx microphone preamps with class-leading fidelity and dynamic range on every channel 4-band Perkins EQ on every channel for warm, musical sound 6x2 Matrix Mixer provides 2 additional mixes for monitors, etc. Assignable stereo compressor/limiter designed by THAT Giant 12 segment LED ladders for main output and compressor/limiter 6 aux sends with pre/post switching 2 dedicated stereo channels Two dedicated stereo channels 100mm Panasonic faders on all channels, groups, and mains Same physical size as the popular SR24•4 mixing console

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Kata KunciMackie Onyx 24.4 Rp.9.900.000

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