» Elektronik » Elektronika Lainnya » Novation Remote SL Compact 49
1 Desember 2012
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Novation Remote SL Compact 49


Price List: Rp. 2,950,000

INFO PMESANAN HUB.082 327 327 294

The Novation ReMOTE SL COMPACT 49, combined with Automap Universal, provides an affordable route to automatic, instant and intelligent control of all major sequencers and all automatable plug-ins.

The Novation ReMOTE SL COMPACT features a huge 144-character screen display shows up to eight assigned parameters at once, with the essential data laid out logically right before the user’s eyes. Novation’s Automap Universal software, unique to the SL range, ensures that little or no user setup is required. Sequencer controls are automatically mapped to the SL COMPACT the moment the sequencer boots up, whilst all VST or AU parameters are intuitively assigned as soon as a plug-in opens.

In addition, an instant click and control ‘learn’ function is available for quick custom assigning, providing personalised plug-in control. The SL COMPACT’s unique PAC (pointer-assigned control) technology combined with its ‘speed dial’ also help to maximise efficiency by providing tactile control of any parameter on which the mouse pointer rests.

In Automap Universal mode, the number of controls is unlimited. In Manual Template mode, the eight encoders and eight buttons with LEDs combine with eight Group select switches to provide 64 different assignable parameters. Eight large, velocity-sensitive trigger pads are also available, ideal for triggering samples or sketching out beats.

With its 49-key (4-Octave) professional, semi-weighted keyboard featuring aftertouch, the SL COMPACT upholds Novation’s philosophy of designing real instruments rather than mere computer peripherals. The SL COMPACT provides a truly focused and highly portable MIDI controlling solution through its dedicated transport controls, assignable pitch / mod wheels, and USB bus powering. Novation’s pioneering Automap Universal technology, the huge screen and an unrivalled control set ensure that the ReMOTE SL COMPACT is the only choice for the demanding, modern music maker in search of an intuitive MIDI controller that won’t break the bank.

With the SL COMPACT, artists are free to focus on what matters most – their music. SL COMPACT also ships with Novation’s new Xcite+ bundle, which features a host of exciting software solutions, including Ableton Live Lite 6; ideal to get the new user started, or to expand the experienced user’s creative toolbox.

Novation ReMOTE SL COMPACT 49 main features include:

  • 144-character screen displays up to eight assigned parameters at once
  • Novation’s Automap Universal software included
  • pointer-assigned control technology
  • professional, semi-weighted 4 octave keyboard featuring aftertouch
  • USB bus powered
  • Incluiding Xcite+ software bundle, featuring a host of exciting software solutions
  • includes Ableton Live Lite 6

Informasi Penjual
  • Nama:melodimusik
  • Username:melodi
  • Reputasi:
  • Terdaftar :29-11-2012
  • Status: melodimusik
  • Telp:0823-XXXX-XXXX Lihat
  • HP:0823-XXXX-XXXX Lihat
  •  Cek Penipu atau Bukan
  • Alamat:Toko Alat Musik
    Melodia Musik Indonesia
    Jl. Sultan Iskandar Muda No.15B
    Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia 12240
  • Kota:jakarta selatan
  • Provinsi:DKI Jakarta
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  • Jangan tergiur harga murah, usahakan tidak melakukan transer langsung.
  • Gunakan rekening bersama. Lebih baik kehilangan uang 5 atau 10.000 daripada tertipu.
Kata KunciNovation Remote SL Compact 49

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