» Elektronik » Elektronika Lainnya » Jual digital piano yamaha NPV 80 harga miring promo 2013 Rp 4.900.000 only garansi resmi 1 th!
6 Maret 2013
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Jual digital piano yamaha NPV 80 harga miring promo 2013 Rp 4.900.000 only garansi resmi 1 th!

  • Dipasang6 Maret 2013
  • Harga4.900.000
  • Kotajakarta
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Jual digital piano yamaha NPV 80 harga miring promo 2013 Rp 4.900.000 only garansi resmi 1 th!

melayani pembelian secara Cash, Transfer, Debit, Credit Card.

HUB. YOHAN 0818801520 / 33984385 / 4521719

HENDRA HP: 0898 898 1231

Office: (021) 4585 1012

Kami menjual berbagai model dan merk alat musik, keyboard, speaker, sound system, pro audio, paket meeting, paket outdoor dan indoor, lightning system, dan aksesoris dengan harga miring dan grosir!

website : www.nafirimusic.com or www.indonetwork.co.id/nafirimusic

Kunjungi Showroom Kami :

1. NAFIRI MUSIC (Jl. Bellyra Raya Blok K No. 6 Dekat Mal Kelapa Gading jakarta Utara)

2. PRIMANADA Music-Audio-Sound System (Ruko Inkopal Blok A/3 Gedung JNE lantai 2 Jl. Boulevard barat Kelapa Gading Jakarta Utara)

To recreate the playability of an acoustic piano, Piaggero features Yamaha' s own Graded Soft Touch ( GST) keyboard, giving keys in the lower octave a heavier touch than those in the upper octaves. While this scaled level of resistance is graded for a piano-like response, the keys themselves are not weighted for the sake of portability. This brings the NP-V80 in at less than 16 pounds but still provides a touch that all pianists can appreciate.

Essential Voices

Along with superb grand piano sound, Piaggero features a number of popular instrument Voices, such as organ, strings, and guitar all recorded using Yamaha' s AWM ( Advanced Wave Memory) stereo sampling technology for amazingly true-to-life sound. And for a complete orchestra of sonic options, Piaggero includes XGlite Voices and drum/ SFX kits. This ensures compatibility with the wealth of Standard-MIDI and XG song files available today.

Perform with Style

Piaggero NP-V80 boasts over 160 preset Styles -- from the basic rock and jazz beats to contemporary electronic rhythms -- that follow and backup the performer with dynamically responsive accompaniment. Every Style is essentially a backup band of virtual virtuosos ready to follow your lead. Piaggero Styles all feature custom intros, variations, and endings giving you total control over your arrangement. Go ahead and play a couple of extra verses at the end of your performance… Piaggero can handle it.

Piaggero Takes Requests

At the touch of a button, Piaggero' s Music Database offers pre-set combinations of Styles, Voices, effects and tempos based on the song you’ d like to perform. Music Database is not a jukebox or playback device… it’ s a feature that you use to quickly set up the Piaggero so you can play your favorite songs. As new songs become popular, Piaggero’ s Music Database stays with the times because additional titles can be downloaded from the Internet on your PC and transferred via USB. It’ s the never-ending set list.

Playing It Smart

Play a chord and the NP-V80’ s Intelligent Arpeggiator automatically plays the notes with the appropriate feel of the instrument. For example, different types of pianos have different signature “ grooves” made famous by artists performing and recording with those keyboards. Acoustic pianos, electric pianos, clavinets, synthesizers… a keyboardist “ comps” differently depending on the instrument they’ re sitting at. The Intelligent Arpeggiator matches the appropriate keyboard groove to the current Voice. All you have to do is select a Voice and play a chord… Piaggero does the rest and makes you sound like a pro.

Portable Grand & Digital Piano :

Yamaha NP30 RP 3,8 JT

Yamaha NPV 60 RP 4,4 JT (USB To Host)

Yamaha NPV 80 RP 4,8 JT (USB To Device)

Yamaha DGX 230 RP 4,7 JT (USB To Host)

Yamaha YPG 235 RP 4,8 JT (USB To Host)

Yamaha DGX 530 RP 7,1 JT (Plus kaki + sustain + USB To Device)

Yamaha DGX 640 RP 8,8 JT (Plus kaki + sustain + USB To Device)

Yamaha YDP 135R RP 6,4 JT

Yamaha YDP 141 RP 6,9 JT

Yamaha YDP 161 RP 9,5 JT

Yamaha YDP V240 RP 12,8 JT (USB To Device)

Informasi Penjual
  • Nama:yohan
  • Username:nafirimusic
  • Reputasi:
  • Terdaftar :18-04-2012
  • Status: yohan
  • Kaskus ID: mod8yohander
  • Telp:3398-XXXX-XXXX Lihat
  • HP:0818-XXXX-XXXX Lihat
  •  Cek Penipu atau Bukan
  • YM:
  • Kota:jakarta
  • Provinsi:DKI Jakarta
  • NAFIRI MUSIC menyediakan sound system dan musical equipment dari merk2 ternama yang sudah tidak asing lagi di telinga dan telah ditunjuk sebagai main distributor 0 distributor utama dari beberapa merk seperti Powerart, Maxtone, T-Sound, dst. Kami sudah berpengalaman lebih dari 10 tahun dan melayani total solution dari kebutuhan sound maupun alat musik anda.

    Adapun kelebihan yang kami tawarkan adalah sebagai berikut :

    1. Lebih murah 5% -20% dari harga toko pada umumnya

    2. Produk variatif : keyboard ( Yamaha, Korg, Roland) , efek gitar ( Korg, Zoom) , electric guitar ( ARTRock, Rockwell, Starsun, Ibanez, Cort) , amplifier ( ARTEC, Russel, MaxTone, Blazer, Ibanez, PowerART, T-Sound) accesories keyboard ( stand, kursi, softcase untuk berbagai ukuran keyboard, pedal sustain, cover, USB) , mixer & power ( Roxy, AXL Audion, Yamaha, MaxTone, Proel, PowerART, T-Sound) , Speaker ( Powerart, T-Sound, JBL, BMB, Wharfedale, Rhodes, T-Sound, Beyer, Bear Mountain Audio) , Mic ( Shure, Sennheiser, Pioneer, Verite, JBL) Beats By DR Dre Headphones ( 100% Original)

    3. Layanan Purna Jual ( Garansi 1 th untuk semua produk)

    4. Layanan Cash On Delivery ( Jakarta, Bekasi, Depok, Tangerang)

    5. Special Discount utk. Produk2 tertentu setiap bulan

    6. Semua Produk rata-rata Ready Stock, sehingga tidak perlu indent. Silahkan telepon / kunjungi showroom kami untuk mendapatkan informasi lebih lanjut.

    7. Melayani pengiriman ke seluruh Indonesia ( pembayaran via BCA a/ n YOHAN SETIAWAN HIDAYAT 5270821237/ bagi pengguna Bank Mandiri bisa via ATM ke Bank OCBC NISP a/ n YOHAN SETIAWAN HIDAYAT 540-130-50301-9)

    HUB : YOHAN ( 0818801520 / 021-33984385 / 021-4521719)



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  • Jangan tergiur harga murah, usahakan tidak melakukan transer langsung.
  • Gunakan rekening bersama. Lebih baik kehilangan uang 5 atau 10.000 daripada tertipu.
Kata Kuncijualkeyboardyamahapsrkorgrolandnpv

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