The ACCESS Master MT9083C2 features a 7-inch widescreen TFT-LCD display for use both indoors and outdoors, enhanced battery operation ( up to 12 hours) , increased operating temperature range ( -10 C to 50 C) and new short-cut keys.
Baseline Features:
Ready to test in less than 15 seconds and all day without recharging
Specialized testing modes simplify operation
High resolution and high dynamic range ensure thorough and complete fiber evaluation
Intelligent analysis software identifies problem splices, connectors and even macrobends
Rugged, sealed design provides years of service in the most challenging environments
Test up to four wavelengths with a single unit single mode, multimode or both
ITU-T recommended 1650 nm for in-service troubleshooting
Verify connector quality with optional connector inspection microscope
SCPI remote command support
Feature offering easy graphical summary & PDF reporting
Password protection feature for important file on-internal memory
Automated connector PASS/ FAIL based on IEC 61300-3-35
Larger ( 7-inch) , higher resolution ( 800 x 400) display with LED backlight
Longer battery operation time: Up to 12 hours
Wider operating temperature range: -10 C to 50 C
Lighter only 2.6 kg ( 5.7 lbs)
High Performance Series Features:
Expanded dynamic range up to 46 dB
Ability to test ultra-long haul fiber spans ( > 200 km) quickly and with minimal averaging
Complete testing of PON-based FTTx networks featuring up to an industry-leading 1 x 128 splits
Significantly reduced testing time for common fiber spans ranging from 10 km to 100 km
Semua Barang kami Bergaransi Resmi dan Harga pun
- Bebas biaya antar untuk wilayah Tangerang, Jakarta, danDepok
- Menerima Pengiriman Luar Kota maupun Luar jawa
- Barang yang kami jual NEW 100% dan bergaransi resmi.
- Dapatkan harga special untuk pembelian lebih dari 2 Unit.
Kami pun menerima REPAIR dan SEWA semua macam merk SPLICER, OTDR, Site Master danalat TELKOM lainnya.
Best Regard,
Danu Wibowo
PT Panca Wahyu Mandiri
Ruko Metropolis Town Square
Jl.Hartono Raya GG-2 No. 5
Modernland - Tangerang 15117
Ph : +6221 55782056-57
Fax : +6221 55782058
Mobile : +628128324564
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